30-10-2019 Certificate of Marks
Certificate of Marks
As per the Notification No.08/2019 dated : 28.02.2019Teachers Recruitment Board Conducted Teachers Eligibility Test for Paper-I on 08.06.2019 and Paper-II on 09.06.2019.
1,62,314 Candidates appeared for the written Examination, Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test – Paper-I and 3,79,733 candidates appeared for the written exam for Paper-II. Now, the Certificate of Marks are published in Teachers Recruitment Board website for those candidates passed in Teachers Eligibility Test Paper I & Paper II. Candidates can download the certificate of marks from the Teachers Recruitment Board official website: www.trb.tn.nic.in within three months. For any information candidates can contact information centre helpline Numbers. 044-28272455, 7373008144, 7373008134.
Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in.
Dated: 30.10.2019