Annual Planner

Teachers Recruitment Board is conducting  various  Written Competitive  Examinations for  various Recruitments or teachers in order to overcome the difficulties faced by candidates due to overlapping of examination schedules issued by various recruitment agencies. For the first time , the Board published an Annual Recruitment planner, comprising of tentative  examination schedules of various Written Examinations to be conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board during the year 2022.  This Would be of immense help to candidates for planning their examination schedules well in advance.





  1. The above schedule is a tentative programme to be followed by the Teachers Recruitment Board.  This is only for information to the candidates to  the prepared for the examination.
  2. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves its right to add or remove or modify any recruitment in the  above said planner and also to postpone or advance any of dates mentioned in the planner.
  3. Vacancies mentioned are tentative.  It is subject to change at the time of   notification or before the final selection.
  4. Scheme of examination and syllabus will be made available on Teachers Recruitment Board website at the time of notification
  5. Please visit Teachers Recruitment Board website and the newspapers/media for latest informations. 

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