
The Teachers Recruitment Board consistently aims at creating and nurturing a service which is autonomous, unbiased, virtuous, competent and being capable and enough to meet the new challenges faced by the Government and responsive to the growing expectations of the teaching community.


The main objective of Teachers Recruitment Board is to ensure a free, fair and transparent recruitment. And it also aims to upgrade the systems and procedures in identifying the extrinsic and intrinsic talent of teacher candidates, by constantly updating it's recruitment methodology. In this regard, the board adopts state of the art technology as follows:

  • Digitising and networking the entire recruitment process.
  • Availing of E-Governance resources right from notification of vacancies to upload the results.
  • Computer Based Test.

Teachers Recruitment Board, 3rd And 4th Floors, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr MGR Centenary Building, Perasiriyar Anbalagan Kalvi Valaagam, College Road Chennai 600006.
Email:trb[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in    Updated As On : 29.09.2024

All grievances must be submitted via the grievance mail ID; letters, postal mail, and other methods will not be accepted - trbgrievances[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
Toll Free Contact Number
1800 425 6753
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