06-02-2015 Exam Result and CV Details

Direct Recruitment of Post of Post Graduate Assistants / Physical Education Director Grade - I - 2013 - 14 and 2014 - 15


(Except Physical Director Grade-I)

As per the Notification No.8/2014 published on 07.11.2014, the written Competitive Examination for the Direct Recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants and Physical Education Director Grade-I was held on 10.01.2015. A total No. of 2,02,231 candidates applied for the written examination, and 1,90,922 candidates appeared for the Written Examination.

Tentative key answers for all subjects  were published on 22.01.2015 in TRB official website http://trb.tn.nic.in and candidates are advised to submit their representation if any on tentative key answers along with relevant authoritative proof up to 29.01.2015 5.30 pm.

All the representations received from the candidates within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by the concerned subject expert committee. After thorough scrutiny, a revised and final key answer has been arrived at by the subject expert committee and based on that, OMR answer sheets of the candidates have been valued through computerized electronic process.

During the computerized scanning of OMR answer sheets of the candidates, it was found quite a number of candidates committed mistakes in marking/shading the question paper serial code which is essential for valuation of the OMR answer sheets. The candidates who have not marked question paper serial code in their OMR answer sheets, their answer sheets could not be evaluated and hence rejected. For those who have written the serial code but not shaded or multiple shaded, written serial code alone has been considered for valuation.

Now the marks obtained by all the candidates who have appeared for the written examination are hereby released. The revised final key answer arrived by the subject expert committee is published herewith. 

The list of candidates called for Certificate Verification in the 1:1 ratio is also published herewith.

Board proposes to conduct Certificate Verification from  16.02.2015 onwards. Certificate Verification venue and individual call letter will be uploaded in the TRB website soon.

Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing it. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list would not confer any right of enforcement.

Dated: 06-02-2015

Teachers Recruitment Board, 3rd And 4th Floors, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr MGR Centenary Building, Perasiriyar Anbalagan Kalvi Valaagam, College Road Chennai 600006.
Email:trb[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in    Updated As On : 29.09.2024

All grievances must be submitted via the grievance mail ID; letters, postal mail, and other methods will not be accepted - trbgrievances[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
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1800 425 6753
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