DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF GRADUATE TEACHERS / BLOCK RESOURCE TEACHER                                                          EDUCATORS (BRTE) – 2023

                                                                  HALL TICKET

             Teachers Recruitment Board issued Notification for the Direct Recruitment for the post of GRADUATE TEACHERS / BLOCK RESOURCE TEACHER EDUCATORS (BRTE) vide Notification No. 03/2023, dated 25.10.2023. In this connection, TRB now releases the Hall Tickets for those candidates who applied for the said examination. It is instructed that candidates shall download the Hall ticket and adhere to the instructions notified there on. The candidate must bring the Hall Ticket to the Examination Centre. No candidate will be allowed entry without the Hall Ticket.

             Date for OMR Based Examination: 07.01.2024

             The candidates are requested to use their User ID and Password for downloading their Admit Card through the website https://www.trb.tn.gov.in/ from 22.12.2023 onwards. Change of request of centre will not be entertained.


Disclaimer: It is informed to all applicant that the decision of the Board, to issue Admit Card to eligible applicants is purely provisional and does not confer any acceptance of their claim, made in the application. The Board reserves its right to reject the candidature at any stage of the recruitment.


(i)The candidates are instructed in their own interest to check the Examinations Schedule and the venue to avoid any last-minute disappointment / in convenience.

(ii)The Board reserves the right to postpone / re-schedule /cancel the Examination.



Dated: 22.12.2023 Chairman


Click here to download the Hall-Ticket

Press News

Teachers Recruitment Board, 3rd And 4th Floors, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr MGR Centenary Building, Perasiriyar Anbalagan Kalvi Valaagam, College Road Chennai 600006.
Email:trb[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in    Updated As On : 29.09.2024

All grievances must be submitted via the grievance mail ID; letters, postal mail, and other methods will not be accepted - trbgrievances[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
Toll Free Contact Number
1800 425 6753
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